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The Apréli@ Network
Educative e-Twinnings

Teacher Educators' resources

Version : FR

This page hosts resources for trainers including training guide to e-twinning. All these documents can be downloaded (in french).

We hope this Guide will meet the needs of trainers and teachers who lead their classes in e-twinning activities.
To all, we wish rich and convivial exchanges, which bring you the greatest satisfaction professionally and personally.
We thank all those who are willing to share their assessment about the implementation of the training; these contributions will be very valuable to continuously improve this guide collectively.

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Teacher Educator's
Resources (in French)

pedagogical support
IFADEM computer
(in French)

Educational resources of e-twinning @ Apréli are under Creative Commons license level 5:
paternity, not commercial use, sharing the same initial conditions

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 January 2023, 12:30 PM