The Apréli@ Network
Educative e-Twinnings

Teacher's Guide
Approach & Objectives

Version : FR

Overview :

The Apréli@ e-twinning initiative aims to provide schools, teacher education institutions, townships, regions, countries, with a set of digital resources to conduct educational activities between classes of African countries in a spirit of African integration and also between African classes and classes elsewhere. The development of the teaching guide is based on the co-construction of open educational resources and scenarios between European and African teachers and teacher trainers.

Built on a socio-constructivist model, it relies on teacher professional solidarity and co-development between peers to develop what constitutes the heart of professional practice, namely the quality of learning in the context of cultural exchanges and global citizenship.

The resource production and conduct of school activities also involve the school community: pupils, parents, members of management committees, local elected officials, school authorities, and technical and financial partners.

The "e-twinning" also takes the form of direct communication between classes, using digital tools, allowing students to participate in joint activities in synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Its pilot phase (2011-2012) was conducted as an action research project with the objective of modeling, implementation and adaptation. The pilot phase evaluation led to the production and publication of a training guide for e-twinning.

Approach and objectives :

The Apréli@ e-twinning initiative aims to renew, revitalize and increase the impact of school twinning, both in terms of education and citizenship in the global village which is ultimately interconnected and interdependent.

As part of a process of systemic change, it aims to create a sustainable model, built by implicating decentralized cooperation between townships for African townships’ ownership. African townships will also be able to use the resources to facilitate exchanges between schools and African cities, with a view to interafrican integration.

The socio-constructivist pedagogy implemented in the educational approach of e-twinning aims to place the child in a position of actor, knowledge producer, ambassador for her/his school and the community around school, as well as citizen of the global village. Secondly it aims to help modify the teacher’s pedagogical approach from a position of knowledge holder and transmitter to that of guide and facilitator to access knowledge.

The project also aims to strengthen the teachers’ pedagogical capabilities, and the acquisition of new skills (digital literacy and pedagogical integration of ICT). Moreover, the implemented scenarios enable the pupils to learn new skills such as the capacity to communicate, share, and open up to other contexts and cultures, in addition to building knowledge and academic and ICT skills

The initiative therefore aims to foster attitudes for sharing, cooperation, mutual aid and solidarity, i.e. an individual and social transformation in support for human and social development. Based on intercultural exchange, it also allows for better visibility of African digital resources, thus enhancing the African cultural, linguistic and spiritual heritage.

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The Teacher Educator's Resources
(in French)
TESSA pedagogical support IFADEM computer literacy
(in French)
Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2023, 8:01 PM